Hire a remote

Digital Marketing Specialist

that costs less

Hire a mid-senior level Digital Marketing Specialist who costs 40% to 60% less than local equivalents. Hire, onboard, pay and retain a pre-vetted remote Digital Marketing Specialist in 4 weeks or less.

Our candidates are skilled digital marketing professionals with excellent English skills and impressive work experience. Here is a list of the hard and soft skills that a Digital Marketing Specialist should possess:

Hard Skills

Strategy Development

A mid-senior Digital Marketing Specialist should be able to develop and execute effective digital marketing strategies that align with your business objectives. They create campaigns that drive brand awareness, engagement, and conversions.

Performance Analysis

Proficiency in analyzing campaign data is essential. Our Digital Marketing Specialists evaluate performance metrics, identify areas of improvement, and make data-driven decisions to optimize campaigns for maximum results.

Platform Expertise

With experience in various digital advertising platforms, such as Google Ads, Facebook Ads, LinkedIn Ads, and other relevant networks, our candidates can effectively manage and optimize campaigns across multiple platforms.

Conversion Optimization

Our Digital Marketing Specialists possess the ability to optimize campaigns to drive higher conversion rates. They excel in bid optimization, audience targeting, ad copy creation, and landing page optimization.

Budget Management

Effective budget allocation and management are critical. Our candidates have the skills to allocate budgets strategically, adjust spending as needed, and optimize budget distribution for optimal campaign performance.

Soft Skills

Strategic Thinking

They think strategically and develop long-term digital marketing plans aligned with your business goals. Their insights and expertise help drive sustainable growth and stay ahead of the competition.


Effective communication is vital in collaborating with team members, clients, and stakeholders. Our Digital Marketing Specialists are adept at clearly conveying complex ideas and strategies to ensure seamless understanding and alignment.


They thrive in collaborative environments and work effectively with designers, copywriters, and other marketing professionals to create cohesive and impactful digital campaigns.

Time Management

Managing multiple campaigns and tasks is second nature to our Digital Marketing Specialists. They possess exceptional time management skills, ensuring deadlines are met without compromising quality.

Analytical Thinking

Our candidates exhibit strong analytical skills, enabling them to identify trends, spot opportunities, and optimize campaigns based on data-driven insights.

Sample a few of our 5k pre-vetted candidates

Digital Marketing Specialist
★★★ Senior
Google Ads
Facebook Ads
Content Marketing
Email Marketing
Google Analytics
Project Management
Monthly Salary
Digital Marketing Specialist
★★★ Senior
Google Analytics
Google Tag Manager
Instagram Ads
Snapchat Ads
TikTok Ads
Content Marketing
Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO)
Marketing Automation
Data Analytics
Monthly Salary
Digital Marketing Specialist
★★ Middle
Google Analytics
Google Tag Manager
Instagram Ads
TikTok Ads
Facebook Ads
Google Ads
Monthly Salary

How It Works?

Only pay if you hire someone.
Goals / Challenges
Hiring needs
Internal processes
Job Description
Test / Assessments
Reference calls
Offer letter
Option 1 - Direct hire
Option 2 - RT hires contractors on your behalf


Ready to get started?

If you want to dive into the details just Book a Free Consultation with our staff and we’ll be happy to answer your questions.