Hire a remote

Android Developer

that costs less

Empower your mobile strategy with the expertise of remote Android Developers. Our agency stands at the forefront of connecting you with premier Android talent from across the globe, ensuring your mobile projects are driven by developers who combine technical brilliance with a deep understanding of the Android platform.

Our Android Developers are highly skilled professionals, fluent in English, with a proven track record of developing innovative and high-performing Android applications. Their skill set includes:

Hard Skills

Kotlin and Java Proficiency

Our Android Developers are proficient in Kotlin and Java, the cornerstone languages for Android app development, enabling them to craft efficient, scalable, and robust mobile applications.

Android SDK Expertise

They have in-depth knowledge of the Android SDK, utilizing its vast capabilities to build applications that are both functional and engaging.

UI/UX Design

Understanding the importance of user experience, our developers design intuitive and visually appealing user interfaces, adhering to Google's Material Design principles for Android.

API Integration

Skilled in integrating third-party APIs, our developers ensure your app functions seamlessly with other services and platforms, enhancing user experience and app utility.

Performance Optimization

They are adept at optimizing app performance, ensuring smooth operation across a wide range of Android devices and versions, leading to higher user satisfaction and retention rates.

Soft Skills

Collaborative Teamwork

Our Android Developers excel in working within teams, ensuring smooth collaboration with project managers, designers, and other developers for a cohesive development process.

Creative Problem-Solving

Faced with challenges, they leverage creative problem-solving skills to find efficient solutions, ensuring the app's functionality and user experience are top-notch.

Meticulous Attention to Detail

Their meticulous attention to detail ensures every aspect of the app is polished, from the code to the UI/UX, resulting in a superior quality product.

Effective Time Management

They prioritize tasks effectively, managing their workload to meet deadlines and deliver projects on time without compromising on quality.

Clear Communication

With exceptional communication skills, our Android Developers ensure clarity in conveying ideas, updates, and collaborating with team members and stakeholders, keeping everyone on the same page.

Sample a few of our 5k pre-vetted candidates

Android Developer
★★ Middle
3+ years of experience
Android SDK
UI/UX Design
API Development
API Integration
Monthly Salary
Android Developer
★★ Middle
3+ years of experience
Android SDK
API Development
API Integration
Performance Optimization
Monthly Salary
Android Developer
★★★ Senior
5+ years of experience
UI/UX Design
Performance Optimization
Android SDK
API Development
API Integration
Monthly Salary

How It Works?

Only pay if you hire someone.
Goals / Challenges
Hiring needs
Internal processes
Job Description
Test / Assessments
Reference calls
Offer letter
Option 1 - Direct hire
Option 2 - RT hires contractors on your behalf


Ready to get started?

If you want to dive into the details just Book a Free Consultation with our staff and we’ll be happy to answer your questions.